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:: Volume 22, Issue 80 (1-2023) ::
جغرافیایی 2023, 22(80): 117-133 Back to browse issues page
Synoptic detection and analysis of winter dust in Iran (Case study, February 2017)
Vahideh Sayad * 1, Mehry Akbari1 , Mohammad Saligheh1 , Sharife Zarei1
1- kharazmy
Abstract:   (1467 Views)
In recent years, dust has been Iran's most important environmental crisis. On 25 February 1396, there was heavy dust in Iran which was important for research in two aspects: spatial extent and time of occurrence (winter). The purpose of this research is to analyze the synoptic conditions and to trace the phenomenon. For this purpose, satellite and re-analyzed data were used. Modis data showed that more than 60 percent of Iran's area to this day was affected by dusty airwaves, indicating that this phenomenon is widespread. The maximum optical depth of aerospace was observed in the northeast of Yazd province with a mean of 2.03. The results of the synoptic analysis of this phenomenon showed that at sea level a low-lying core comprises northeast and central parts of Iran. At a level of 850 hPa, a low altitude north of Lake Baikal and a high altitude over southern Pakistan and their resulting cyclonic and anticyclonic movements have led to the convergence of airflow in central Iran. The thermal contrast caused by the cold air of the upper latitudes and the warm air of the lower latitudes have resulted in the formation of a core of the hornbeam at a level of 500 hPa in central Iran. Minimum moisture content in all levels as well as rising air (based on equilibrium values) have provided the conditions for the rise of sweeping dust in Iran. Analysis of air mass routing 48 hours before the dust peak in three parts of southwest, central and northeast of Iran showed that air mass transfer route was in all parts of western Iran. However, even in the center of Iran, even at a height of 500 meters, the air mass has shifted from the Arabian deserts to Iran, resulting in heavy winter dust transfer to central Iran.
Keywords: Dust, Synoptic Analysis, MODIS Sensor, HYSPLIT Model, Iran
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/12/14 | Accepted: 2021/05/16 | Published: 2023/01/30
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sayad V, akbari M, saligheh M, zarei S. Synoptic detection and analysis of winter dust in Iran (Case study, February 2017). جغرافیایی 2023; 22 (80) :117-133
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3589-en.html

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Volume 22, Issue 80 (1-2023) Back to browse issues page
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