1- Qazvin, Payame Noor University 2- Kharazmi University
Abstract: (768 Views)
Investigating and knowing the type of climate of a region and its dominant and effective elements will determine the climate of that region.The weather varies from one place to another because the weather elements and factors have their own conditions in each place.The lack of information about the sub-climates of the regions makes human economic and agricultural planning fail.In general, the climate of a region is the average weather condition in that area, and accessing the average weather condition in a specific place requires long-term meteorological statistics and information.In order to obtain a correct and comprehensive understanding of the climate of the Caspian region, climate zoning was carried out with new statistical methods such as factor analysis and cluster analysis during a period of 23 years (1990-2012).For this purpose, 26 climate variables were selected from 16 meteorological stations.Then, using the digital height model, a multi-variable regression relationship was applied between the meteorological parameters and the mentioned layer, and finally a zone matrix of 242 x 26 dimensions was obtained and was used as the basis for zoning.Investigating the climate of the region with the method of factor analysis shows that the climate of the province is made up of 3 factors, these factors in order of importance are: temperature, precipitation and wind-thunderstorm.The results of cluster analysis on 3 climatic factors show the existence of 4 regions in the Caspian region.The findings indicate that the first and second factors alone explain 84% of the climate behavior in the region.