1- Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Islamic Azad University , Tabriz,Iran 2- Department of Geology,Faculty of Science, Payam Noor University, Tabriz, Iran 3- Islamic Azad University of Tabriz
Abstract: (1351 Views)
abstract : In this study the upper cretaceous rocks have been studied in shahin- Dezh , Detrital rocks with a thickness of 156 meters and carbonate rocks with 114.5 meter lithological features and macroscopic characteristics of sandstone sequences,rocks were divided into 12 lithological units.Sandstone petrofacies often have mature texture characteristics and are placed in litarnite group of the sedarenite type based on the composition of the main grains which sedimentation conditions and environment the shallow and semi-deep sloping turbulent seas.thickness the basis of lithological features and macroscopic characteristics of carbonate sequences were divided into 11 separate stratigraphic rock units on the surface, and macroscopic characteristics of sections consisted of 3 groups of microfasics based on laboratory studies of microscopic samples and are comparable to SMF 3-Flugel, s Pelagic Mudstone-Wackestone and are deposited in the facies zone FZ_1 and FZ_3, evoking the sedimentation environment of relatively deep seasShows that in general the conditions of shallow turbulent seas are related to the relatively deep seas off the coast of the Tethys Ocean and at the end of the second geological period Based on the composition of sandstone petrofacies grains, the aragonite range is determined by re-cycling for the origin of rocks. The study of vertical and horizontal changes in the microfacies environment indicates that high cretaceous sequences are composed of five sequences and show the retreat of short transgression and regression in the form of a long - term progressive sequence The effect of this erosion is seen in the retreat and closure of the Tethys Ocean in this area
Habibizadeh S, Mahari R, Shabanian R, Najafzadeh A. Reconstruction Of The ancient Geography Of Shahin- Dezh Region At The End Of The Second Geological Period. جغرافیایی 2023; 23 (84) :17-38 URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3846-en.html