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:: Volume 21, Issue 74 (8-2021) ::
جغرافیایی 2021, 21(74): 155-178 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of Spatial Distribution Pattern of Educational Centers (High School) and its Arrangement (Case Study: Sanandaj City)
Omid Mobaraki * 1, Marzieh Esmaeipoor1 , MARYAM MOHAMADI1
1- university of maragheh
Abstract:   (3798 Views)

One of the most important urban uses of educational centers is that the proper planning and spatial distribution of them with functional scales, principles of proximity to other urban uses and location in the desired spatial area are among the issues that should be considered by urban planners. In this regard, this study aimed to analyze the pattern of spatial distribution of educational centers (high schools) and its organization in Sanandaj. Descriptive Research Method - Analyzed and purposefully considered as applied research. The data collection method was documentary - library and field (observation). Quantitative methods including spatial analysis, spatial statistics and spatial zoning using Arc GIS 10.3 software were used to analyze the collected data. To identify the spatial distribution pattern of high school education centers, we used Moore's methods, standard deviation ellipse, central mean and kernel density function, and AHP-Fuzzy methods in the form of 19 indices to measure spatial adaptation and spatial zoning. The results of the global Moran autocorrelation coefficient of 0.223 showed that the spatial distribution of high schools in the city of Sanandaj follows a relatively centralized pattern and the standard deviation ellipsoid has a north-south orientation that is westward. The higher concentration of training units has been in the central and north-western areas of the city such as District Three and One. The results of the adaptation map showed that about 48% of Sanandaj high schools (equivalent to 16 cases) are in optimum range and 6 high schools equivalent to 18% of high schools in poor and inappropriate conditions. Also, the spatial map of the city showed that about 33% of the educational centers studied in the desirable and relatively desirable spatial areas and 10 cases (equivalent to about 30%) of the educational centers in the spatial medium and 12 secondary schools. The case study (36% of the total) was located in an undesirable and relatively undesirable spatial area. The results show that more favorable conditions for distribution of high school educational centers can be considered in planning and more suitable zones for their location and redistribution.

Keywords: Land Use, Spatial Distribution, High School Training Centers, Sanandaj City
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/11/26 | Accepted: 2020/06/24 | Published: 2021/09/28
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mobaraki O, esmaeipoor M, MOHAMADI M. Analysis of Spatial Distribution Pattern of Educational Centers (High School) and its Arrangement (Case Study: Sanandaj City). جغرافیایی 2021; 21 (74) :155-178
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3580-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 74 (8-2021) Back to browse issues page
فضای جغرافیایی Geographic Space
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