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:: Volume 21, Issue 73 (5-2021) ::
جغرافیایی 2021, 21(73): 73-85 Back to browse issues page
The efficiency of Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting methods for mapping of Juniperus trees density at Chaharbagh site, Gorgan
Ghasem Ronoud * 1, Maryam Poorazimy2 , Ghavam Zahedi Amiri1
1- Universty of Tehran
2- Gorgan University of Agriculture Science and Natural Resources
Abstract:   (2943 Views)
Regarding to importance of Juniperus sites, it is important to estimation of tree density and spatial structure of them using Geostatic. This study was conducted in Golestan province, Chaharbagh with area of 60 ha. We refined a 15×20 grid and 300 plots (45×45 m2) were measured. The number of trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) <7.5 cm were considered. The results of the variogram analysis showed that the tree density parameter had a vigorous spatial structure. First, the spherical model was fitted on the variogram. Then, the estimations and mapping were done using Kriging and IDW approaches. Cross validation results of approaches showed that the estimation of tree density was unbiased and these methods can be used for mapping spatial distribution of tree density with acceptable precision. The Kriging method with RMSE of 6.8 tree.ha-1 and 8.7% had the better performance in comparison with IDW with RMSE of 7.5 tree.ha-1 and 9.5%. So, the Kriging method is useable in ChaharBagh for tree density mapping. 
Keywords: Estimation, Interpolation, Inverse Distance Weighting, Kriging, Tree Density.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/07/1 | Accepted: 2019/12/1 | Published: 2021/05/31
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2. Akhavan, R., Karami Khorramabadi, M., Soosani, J., (2012), "Application of Kriging and IDW methods in mapping of crown cover and density of coppice oak forests (case study: Kakareza region, Khorramabad)", Iranian Journal of Forest, 3 (4): 305-315. ]In Persian[.
3. Akhavan, R., Kleinn, C., (2009), "On the potential of kriging for estimation and mapping of forest plantation stock (Case study: Beneshki plantation)", Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 17 (2): 303-318. ]In Persian[.
4. Akhavan, R., Zobeiri, M., Zahedi Amiri, Gh., Namirinain, M., Mandallaz, D., (2006), "Spatial structure and estimation of forest growing stock using geostatistical approach in the caspian region of Iran", Iranian Journal of Natural Resources, 59 (1): 89-102. ]In Persian[.
5. Ali Ahmad Korori, S., Khoshnevis, M., Matinizadeh, M., (2011), "Comprehensive studies of Juniperus species in Iran", Tehran: Pooneh Press. ]In Persian[.
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7. Fakhire, A., Najafi Zilaie, M., (2014), "Comparison of different kriging methods to estimate the tree density, a case study: West of Karkheh in southwest of Iran", Pro Environment, 20 (7): 204-212.
8. Gholami, A., Valipour, P., Nourzadeh Hadad., M., (2020), "Performance Evaluation of geostatistics methods on the zoning of soil chemical properties (Case study: Karun East area)", Journal of Geographical Space, 20 (69): 1-15. ]In Persian[.
9. Gunnarsson, F., Holm, S., Holmgren, P., Thuresson, T., (1998), "On the potential of kriging for forest management planning", Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 13 (1-4): 237-245. [DOI:10.1080/02827589809382981]
10. Guibal, D., (1973), "L' estimation des oukoumés du Gabon", note interne 333, Centre de Morphologie Mathématique, Fontainebleau, France.
11. Hasani Pak, A. A., (1998), "Geostatistics", Tehran: University of Tehran Press. ]In Persian[.
12. Mahdavi, A., Aziz, J., Akhavan, R., (2016), "Mapping tree density of Zagros oak forests using Kriging and Worldview-2 satellite images from Google Earth database", Ecological Journal of Wood & Forest Science and Technology, 23 (4): 87-108. ]In Persian[.
13. Marcio, H. S., Carlos, M. S. J., Phaedon, C. K., Dar, A. R., Edson, V., (2007), "Improving spatia distribution estimation of forest biomass with geostatistics: A case study for Rondonia, Brazil", Ecological modeling, 205: 221-230. [DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.02.033]
14. Mohammadi, J., Shataee, Sh., Habashi, H., Yaghmaee, F., (2008), "Comparison of remote sensing and geostatistics techniques in forest tree density estimation, Case study Loveh forests, Gorgan", Journal Agriculture Science Natural Resources, 15 (1): 10-21. ]In Persian[.
15. Nanos, N., Montero, G., (2001), "Spatial prediction of diameter distribution models", Forest ecology and management, 161 (1-3): 147-158. [DOI:10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00498-4]
16. Nanos, N., Calama, R., Montero, G., Gil, L., (2004), "Geostatistical prediction of height/diameter models", Forest ecology and management, 195: 221-235. [DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2004.02.031]
17. Seidel, D., Fleck, S., Leuschner, C., Hammett, T., (2011), "Review of ground-based methods to measure the distribution of biomass in forest canopies", Annals of Forest Science, 68: 225-244. [DOI:10.1007/s13595-011-0040-z]
18. Ronoud, Gh., Darvishsefat, A. A., (2018), "Estimating aboveground woody biomass of Fagus orientalis stands in Hyrcanian forest of Iran using Landsat 5 satellite data (case study: Khyroud forest)", Journal of Geographical Space, 17 (60): 117-129. ]In Persian[.
19. Webster, R. M., Oliver, A., (2000), "Geostatistics for environmental scientists", London: Wiley press.
20. Zahedi Amiri, Gh., (2016), "Geostatistics in natural resources", Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, press. ]In Persian[.
21. Ahadi, Z., Alavi, S. J., Hosseini, S. M., (2017), "Beech forest site productivity mapping using ordinary kriging and IDW (Case study: research forest of Tarbiat Modares University)", Forest and Wood Products, 70 (1): 93-102. ]In Persian[.
22. Akhavan, R., Karami Khorramabadi, M., Soosani, J., (2012), "Application of Kriging and IDW methods in mapping of crown cover and density of coppice oak forests (case study: Kakareza region, Khorramabad)", Iranian Journal of Forest, 3 (4): 305-315. ]In Persian[.
23. Akhavan, R., Kleinn, C., (2009), "On the potential of kriging for estimation and mapping of forest plantation stock (Case study: Beneshki plantation)", Iranian Journal of Forest and Poplar Research, 17 (2): 303-318. ]In Persian[.
24. Akhavan, R., Zobeiri, M., Zahedi Amiri, Gh., Namirinain, M., Mandallaz, D., (2006), "Spatial structure and estimation of forest growing stock using geostatistical approach in the caspian region of Iran", Iranian Journal of Natural Resources, 59 (1): 89-102. ]In Persian[.
25. Ali Ahmad Korori, S., Khoshnevis, M., Matinizadeh, M., (2011), "Comprehensive studies of Juniperus species in Iran", Tehran: Pooneh Press. ]In Persian[.
26. Cambardella, C. A., Moorman, T. B., Parkin, T. B., Karlen, D. L., Turco, R. F., Konopka, A. E., (1994), "Field scale variability of soil properties in CentralIowa soil", Soil Science Society of America Journal, 58: 1501-1511. [DOI:10.2136/sssaj1994.03615995005800050033x]
27. Fakhire, A., Najafi Zilaie, M., (2014), "Comparison of different kriging methods to estimate the tree density, a case study: West of Karkheh in southwest of Iran", Pro Environment, 20 (7): 204-212.
28. Gholami, A., Valipour, P., Nourzadeh Hadad., M., (2020), "Performance Evaluation of geostatistics methods on the zoning of soil chemical properties (Case study: Karun East area)", Journal of Geographical Space, 20 (69): 1-15. ]In Persian[.
29. Gunnarsson, F., Holm, S., Holmgren, P., Thuresson, T., (1998), "On the potential of kriging for forest management planning", Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 13 (1-4): 237-245. [DOI:10.1080/02827589809382981]
30. Guibal, D., (1973), "L' estimation des oukoumés du Gabon", note interne 333, Centre de Morphologie Mathématique, Fontainebleau, France.
31. Hasani Pak, A. A., (1998), "Geostatistics", Tehran: University of Tehran Press. ]In Persian[.
32. Mahdavi, A., Aziz, J., Akhavan, R., (2016), "Mapping tree density of Zagros oak forests using Kriging and Worldview-2 satellite images from Google Earth database", Ecological Journal of Wood & Forest Science and Technology, 23 (4): 87-108. ]In Persian[.
33. Marcio, H. S., Carlos, M. S. J., Phaedon, C. K., Dar, A. R., Edson, V., (2007), "Improving spatia distribution estimation of forest biomass with geostatistics: A case study for Rondonia, Brazil", Ecological modeling, 205: 221-230. [DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.02.033]
34. Mohammadi, J., Shataee, Sh., Habashi, H., Yaghmaee, F., (2008), "Comparison of remote sensing and geostatistics techniques in forest tree density estimation, Case study Loveh forests, Gorgan", Journal Agriculture Science Natural Resources, 15 (1): 10-21. ]In Persian[.
35. Nanos, N., Montero, G., (2001), "Spatial prediction of diameter distribution models", Forest ecology and management, 161 (1-3): 147-158. [DOI:10.1016/S0378-1127(01)00498-4]
36. Nanos, N., Calama, R., Montero, G., Gil, L., (2004), "Geostatistical prediction of height/diameter models", Forest ecology and management, 195: 221-235. [DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2004.02.031]
37. Seidel, D., Fleck, S., Leuschner, C., Hammett, T., (2011), "Review of ground-based methods to measure the distribution of biomass in forest canopies", Annals of Forest Science, 68: 225-244. [DOI:10.1007/s13595-011-0040-z]
38. Ronoud, Gh., Darvishsefat, A. A., (2018), "Estimating aboveground woody biomass of Fagus orientalis stands in Hyrcanian forest of Iran using Landsat 5 satellite data (case study: Khyroud forest)", Journal of Geographical Space, 17 (60): 117-129. ]In Persian[.
39. Webster, R. M., Oliver, A., (2000), "Geostatistics for environmental scientists", London: Wiley press.
40. Zahedi Amiri, Gh., (2016), "Geostatistics in natural resources", Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, press. ]In Persian[.
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Ronoud G, Poorazimy M, Zahedi Amiri G. The efficiency of Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting methods for mapping of Juniperus trees density at Chaharbagh site, Gorgan. جغرافیایی 2021; 21 (73) :73-85
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3493-en.html

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