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:: Volume 21, Issue 74 (8-2021) ::
جغرافیایی 2021, 21(74): 89-107 Back to browse issues page
The feasibility of the development of nature tourism in the coastal villages of eastern Strait of Hormuz through the ranking of landforms capabilities (case study: villages in the city of Sirik)
Mehran Maghsoudi * 1, Ebrahim Moghimi1 , Mojtaba Yamani1 , Yaser Hassanzadeh1
1- Universityof Tehran
Abstract:   (2779 Views)
The tourism industry can become a development tool for deprived areas as a factor of change in the economic outlook. Development of tourism in rural areas is an essential element and one of the ways to save villages from poverty, migration and social and economic problems. In the present study, coastal villages of Sirik city in Hormozgan province in the east coast of the Strait of Hormoz have been evaluated for the development of tourism due to the diversity of natural attractions. Situation and conditions of sites susceptible to tourism in studied villages and their location and location distribution through field surveys and using GPS have been transmitted to base maps. Thus, a full identity card and map of distribution of geomorphologic complications in the villages of the area were prepared In the next step, each village in the study area was considered as a geosite or geomorphosites due to the presence of various landforms Using two models of Kobalikova and Braille, they assessed the rural tourism development capability. Each geosite was valued and then the sum of values was combined and the final value of each geosite was obtained. The results of Kubalikov's model also showed that Ghanari village with 12 points scored the highest points and kuhestak 11.75, Gheordo and Palur 8.25, respectively. The results showed that in the Braille method, the Ghanari village was scored 870 points from the total score of the points and ranked the first and Palur estates with 810 and kuhestak 775 points
Keywords: nature tourism, east of the Strait of Hormuz, Landform, sirik city.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/05/14 | Accepted: 2019/11/11 | Published: 2021/09/28
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maghsoudi M, moghimi E, yamani M, hassanzadeh Y. The feasibility of the development of nature tourism in the coastal villages of eastern Strait of Hormuz through the ranking of landforms capabilities (case study: villages in the city of Sirik). جغرافیایی 2021; 21 (74) :89-107
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3458-en.html

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Volume 21, Issue 74 (8-2021) Back to browse issues page
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