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:: Volume 20, Issue 70 (8-2020) ::
جغرافیایی 2020, 20(70): 167-187 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of Affective Factors on success of Rural Women Entrepreneurs of Kurdistan Province
Snour Ahmadi1 , Hossein Kouhestani * 1, Hossein Yadavar1 , Hossein Shabanali2
1- University of Tabriz
2- University of Tehran
Abstract:   (4558 Views)
Regarding the importance of entrepreneurship especially among rural women and its effects on the economic and social development of today’s societies, explaining the status of entrepreneurial motivation indices (progress) among rural women, as well as identifying factors that can be effective in strengthening these indices, is of great importance. Moreover, investigating this subject in villages of Kurdistan province as one of the less developed regions of Iran considering the economic and employment problems can be regarded as the first stages of study about entrepreneurship; because understanding the status of progress motivation and its affecting factors among rural women entrepreneurs in the area under study can help rural development in different dimensions. Therefore, considering the above cases and in line with entrepreneurship development among rural women of Kurdistan Province, the aim of this study is the analysis of affecting factors on entrepreneurial motivation (progress) among rural women of Kurdistan province; in this regard the present study faces with the following fundamental questions: 
1-            What factors affect entrepreneurial motivation (progress) among women living in rural areas of Kurdistan province?
    2- How effective are each of the determining factors of the entrepreneurial motivation index (progress) among women living in rural areas of Kurdistan province?
Key Words: Need Achievement, Women Entrepreneurs; Rural women; Rural entrepreneurship; Kurdistan province
In this study, for collecting literature of the subject and review of literature, library studies, articles and the studies related to the subject of the study were used and for the other part of the required information, questionnaire and field study has been used. Validity of the research instrument were evaluated and confirmed as convergent by consulting experts and university professors (face validity). For measuring the reliability, combined reliability coefficients (more than 7/0) and Cronbach's alpha (more than 7/0) were used, and if these coefficients are appropriate, then the research tool is reliable. The statistical population of this study were all women entrepreneurs living in rural areas of Kurdistan province (Sanandaj, Marivan, Saqez and Baneh). The studied sample were determined considering the existing limitations and using Bartlett et al. (2001) table; 100 women (women entrepreneurs) by using a random stratified sampling method and appropriate assignment among the considered women entrepreneurs were selected and the necessary information was collected.
The present research is considered as an applied research in terms of its purpose. On the other hand, according to the data collection method, this research is classified as descriptive (non-experimental) research among the various methods of descriptive research, the method of this research is a type of correlation research that is specifically based on the structural equation model.  In this study, both descriptive statistics (frequency, frequency percentage, mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (correlation analysis, regression, and structural equation model) were used to analyze the data. In this regard, in order to increase the accuracy of data analysis, related softwares such as SPSS and Smart PLS have been used.
Discussion about results and conclusion
In the structural model of this study, economic conditions, improvement of the efficient social communication, extension training programs, policies and desirable supportive rules, infrastructure and geographical capabilities of the region and technological accessibility were confirmed as the determining factors of the emergence of progress motivation among the rural women entrepreneurs.   It should be noted that the role of technological accessibility is superior to other determinants and had a stronger effect (426/0).  This indicates that accessibility to new technologies factor such as Internet, in addition to familiarizing the entrepreneur individual to the advances made in the context of his/her desired idea, can easily communicate with experts, consultants and specialists more easily and solve their problems easier and faster and transfer the considered information fast. The results are consistent with the results of the studies of Golrd (2005), Jamshidi et al. (2013), Hosseini Nia et al. (2014) and Roomi and Parut (2008).
Making and presenting radio, television and Internet programs about training entrepreneurial skills, establishing the extension entrepreneurial associations in rural areas and conducting technical and professional training and skill training in villages are among the important issues in the field of extension training programs affecting the creation of progress motivation among the studied rural women entrepreneurs. In other words, through these factors training skills and more specialized skills can be seen among the people of a society. The studied individuals stated that if conducting training classes on different parts of entrepreneurial field (skill training, idea training, marketing, sales, psychology of work and etc.) many of their problems will be resolved, in other words, the basis for supporting individuals will be provided and as a result their motivation will increase to continue work and its development. Also, economic conditions were another determining factor that in this study its relation with progress motivation of the studied rural women entrepreneurs is confirmed with structural model. In this context, important cases such as ease of collateral condition and valid surety to access bank facilities, access to appropriate market for selling products and access to financial resources for the considered business can be mentioned. In this context, it can be said that one of the most important affecting factors on creating and developing every new business is the financial factor and then the financial facilities (loan) that can be received in that field. Access to these cases will have a significant impact on motivation for start, creation and development of the considered business by the rural women entrepreneurs, and in other words, their motivation for progress.  Therefore, in order to emerge and increase the motivation of progress among rural women entrepreneurs in the studied regions, it is suggested to consider special facilities for women entrepreneur to create and develop a business. Also, by determining selling market for the products of individual’s business and eliminating intermediaries and brokers and earning real profits by the entrepreneurs, it would be possible to see the multiplied increase in the individuals’ motivation.
Keywords: Success analysis, Women Entrepreneurs, Rural women, Rural entrepreneurship, Kurdistan province
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/12/19 | Accepted: 2019/04/8 | Published: 2020/08/31
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Ahmadi S, Kouhestani H, Yadavar H, Shabanali H. Analysis of Affective Factors on success of Rural Women Entrepreneurs of Kurdistan Province. جغرافیایی 2020; 20 (70) :167-187
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3391-en.html

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