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:: Volume 20, Issue 69 (5-2020) ::
جغرافیایی 2020, 20(69): 131-150 Back to browse issues page
Evaluation of rural deteriorated textures with emphasis on Basic elements of rural Form (case study: the in the metropolises around of Tehran)
Mehdi Pourtaheri1 , Leyla Dayyani * 1, Abdolreza Roknodin Eftekhari1 , Hassan Ahmadi1
1- Tarbiat Modares University (TMU)
Abstract:   (4286 Views)
At the intra-rural level, the term "rural form" can be defined as the physical structure and pattern of rural elements and in other words, defines rural form as the spatial pattern of the large, inert, permanent physical objects in a rural. In this regard, five general/ basic elements of rural Form are building type; infrastructures; land use; density; layout that base is for assay, evaluation and or organizing (renovation) of rural deteriorated textures (RDT); because of Rural deteriorated texture (RDT) is often created without any pre-defined plans and they have irregular structures. Thus, they need planning and coordinated intervention so that they could be organized. In this regards, yet scientifically appraisal has been not for Basic elements ranking for organizing of rural deteriorated textures. On the other hand, Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method has been introducing as a one of the most application ranking methods recently. Therefore, research aim is use Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method for ranking and evaluation of rural deteriorated textures with emphasis on Basic elements of rural Form.
The method of this research was descriptive and usage; Data gathering was done through library and field. 260 rural household questionnaires & 15 local manager in fifteen of rural deteriorated textures in the metropolises around of Tehran in eight provinces of the Tehran province selected (by using Kernel Density Estimation methods (KDE) & GIS software) and 15 questionnaires of the expert researchers (to have weight to criterias) were described and analyzed. In research being implemented by using the known indicators through entropy method & with regard to their importance are weighted & then being ranked according to these indicators & Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method. Too, being used SPSS and EXCEL.
Based on the results of criterias, Saleh abad sharghi rural is more favorable in Basic elements of rural Form and Then are to arrangement; Ghaleh boland rural, Hesar mehtar, Atashan, Mazdaran, Ramin, Hasan abad bagherof, Zavareh bid, Hesar koochak, Vastar, Jafar abad bagherof, Ghoeinak rakhshani, Kabir abad; Yahar, Mashhad firuzkuh by use Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method.
Findings of the research show that the fifteen rural studied are different in terms of the status of the existing rural form (elements and components); that is to say Mashhad-e-firoozkouh rural is unfavorable compared to other rural areas in the existing status of Basic elements of rural Form and Then are to arrangement; Yahar rural, Kabir abad, Ghooeinak rakhshani, Jafar abad bagherof, Vastar, Hesar koochak, Zavareh bid, Hasan abad bagherof, Ramin, Mazdaran, Atashan, Hesar mehtar, Ghaleh boland, and ultimately Saleh abad sharghi are located in the east. In general, the current status of the rural form in Damavand province has less favorable conditions than other province; and Then are to arrangement; Pishva provinces, Tehran, Shahriar, Rei, Varamin, Firoozkuh, and ultimately Robat karim are located in the east. Hence, due to the undesirable condition of the rural form (elements and components), especially in nine of the above mentioned rural (including Mashhad firouzkuh, yahar, kabir abad, Ghoeinak rakhshani, Jafar abad bagherof, Vastar, Hesare koochak, Zavareh bid, Hasan abad bagherof) or Particularly in five provinces (including Damavand, Pishva, Tehran, Shahriar, Rei), it is necessary to organizing (renovation) in various dimension of simultaneously and balanced with the participation and cooperation of the local people (as the main actors) and the organizations and institutions Concerned (public, private, and NGOs as facilitators).
Keywords: rural form, rural deteriorated textures, Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (WASPAS) method, Shanoon Entropy method, Tehran
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/04/18 | Accepted: 2018/10/22 | Published: 2020/05/30
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Pourtaheri M, Dayyani L, Eftekhari A R, Ahmadi H. Evaluation of rural deteriorated textures with emphasis on Basic elements of rural Form (case study: the in the metropolises around of Tehran). جغرافیایی 2020; 20 (69) :131-150
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3213-en.html

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