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:: Volume 18, Issue 63 (12-2018) ::
جغرافیایی 2018, 18(63): 299-318 Back to browse issues page
Spatial Analysis of Indicators Effecting Landslides on Sedimentary Load in Ilam Dam Basin
Abstract:   (4608 Views)

 Sedimentation of landslides is a new threat to the watershed, whose analysis and evaluation of the necessity and importance of sustainable development is sustainable. The purpose of this study is to analyze the indicators of landslide affecting sediment load in the watershed. Assuming that the linear relationship between the landslide indexes is dominant over sediment load of the basin. Flood dewatering data of flowering mud and sub-basin of Chaviz were analyzed in two observational and annual methods using the deposition curve of the middle classes during the statistical period. The active lake landslides were analyzed using spatial correlation model of Moran, and this spatial analysis showed that landslides have cluster patterns and spatial correlation is effective on the indices of landslide and sediment load in the basin. The results showed that the cluster pattern of landslides was marl lithology of the Gourpi Formation and the best model was Moran spatial autocorrelation. The correlation in one and two-variable regression shows a linear relationship between the indices of landslide influence on sediment load of the basin, but the correlation in multivariate regression showed that nonlinear relationship between the indicators of landslide affecting sediment load in this sub-basin is dominant Among the indices, the mean slope of landslides with a coefficient of explanation of 0.997 and landslide area with a coefficient of explanation of 870.0 had the most effect on sediment load in the sub-basin of flower mud and the indexes of distance to main stream with a coefficient of explanation of 0.94 and length Landslide and rupture surface with a coefficient of 0.878 have the most effect on sediment load under the Chavez Basin. Therefore, it cannot be judged that, for example, the area variable has a direct relation with the increase or decrease of sediment, but it is necessary to analyze in the conditions of the catchment area and taking into account other variables affecting the landslide in the sedimentation of this process.
Keywords: Sedimentary Load, Spatial Analysis, Ilam Dam Basin, Landslide, Indices
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/11/7 | Accepted: 2018/06/20 | Published: 2018/12/15
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Spatial Analysis of Indicators Effecting Landslides on Sedimentary Load in Ilam Dam Basin. جغرافیایی 2018; 18 (63) :299-318
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-3083-en.html

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