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:: Volume 16, Issue 54 (8-2016) ::
جغرافیایی 2016, 16(54): 97-112 Back to browse issues page
Impact of Biogeomorphological Processes of The Talus Slopes on Vegetation; Case Study Joghatai Mountains
Abstract:   (7076 Views)
Plants reacts to geomorphic processes such as vortices, rock falls, and runoff. Usually, large-scale plants of the slopes change the local pattern of displacement of the material and the sedimentation of the fragments, and may even hinder the rapid movement of the pebbles. The emergence of the root and the bend of the tree stem is a sign of the movement of the material and its extent. The purpose of this study was to identify the governing relationships between a sample of unstable domains with vegetation established on its surface in a semi-fermented morphogenetic domain. From a range of 7140 square meters, 10 sediment samples with an average weight of 45 kilograms of dispersed material in different altitudes were harvested. In these 10 samples, it was found that an average of 33% of the gutter and 30% of the coarse gravel and 17% of the average pebble and 20% of the sand and smaller than it was formed. Root patterns are studied for 20 plant parts, mostly dwarfs. The processes of the range impose debris on the root of the plant. The pebbles are progressively burying the roots and parts of the stems, which cause plant proliferation. Some may provide new breeding sunshine from accumulated pebbles. Range processes may damage the plant. Plants cover about 23% of the surface area. Asymmetry is observed in the roots of all specimens. Such distribution of roots of plants is also the result of the introduction of Talus-type skirt movements. 66% of the cemetery is located in large and small cobblestones. Some trees show well-grown stem growth, so as Talus affects plant growth and transplanting, trees either live or dry prevent the rapid movement of the vines.
Keywords: Talus, vegetation, cemetery, biogeomorphology, Goghtah heights of Sabzevar
Full-Text [PDF 1182 kb]   (1727 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/08/17 | Accepted: 2016/08/17 | Published: 2016/08/17
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Impact of Biogeomorphological Processes of The Talus Slopes on Vegetation; Case Study Joghatai Mountains . جغرافیایی 2016; 16 (54) :97-112
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-2536-en.html

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Volume 16, Issue 54 (8-2016) Back to browse issues page
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