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:: Volume 18, Issue 64 (3-2019) ::
جغرافیایی 2019, 18(64): 61-74 Back to browse issues page
Study of mineralogy and sensitivity to moisture soil dust sources, Case Western lands Khuzestan province
Abstract:   (4562 Views)

Potential of soils for wind erosion related to various agents such as particle size distribution of surface texture, surface moisture, and wind velocity. Two objectives investigated in this research: 1) Relation of dust concentration with surface moisture and particle size distribution of soil investigated in this research, using portable wind erosion simulator, and 2) Mineralogy of dust sources and arrival dust of Khuzestan province. These measurements had done at 10 moisture and 11 wind erosion talent’s regions. Field studies have shown increasing the threshold friction velocity and decreasing produced dust concentration with increasing moisture in surface soil (0-3 cm) from zero to 3%. However the dust concentration receives to zero, almost at 2.8% of moisture. Furthermore the soil of No. 6 region had the minimum, and on the opposite side, the soil No. 2 region had the most increase in threshold velocity. Also soil No.3 region in dry condition with 161.26 mg m-3 had the most produced dust and soil No.2 in the same condition had the lowest dust emission with 101.23 mg m-3 produced dust.  So, decrease rate of dust concentration’s changes for soil’s various regions were different, but at 2.2% of moisture decreased intensive and going to zero in all regions. Threshold fiction velocity increased more with surface moisture while more PM 100 was available in soil surface texture. Also, soil potential for erosion increased at dry condition while more PM 75 was available in soil surface texture. Mineralogy studies shows that most of dust consisting of Calcite and Quartz and based on the mineralogy of studied lands soil's could say these dusts have domestic sources.

Keywords: Dust, threshold velocity, portable simulator, dust concentration, wind erosion, mineralogy.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/02/27 | Accepted: 2016/08/13 | Published: 2019/03/15
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13. Shahnavaz, M., Nourzadeh Haddad, M., Gholami, A., Panahpour, E., (2017B), "Effect of mulching on soil nutrient loss reduction, case study of western lands Khuzestan province , Iran", Journal of experimental biology and agricultural sciences, 4 (1): 730-741.
14. Shahnavaz, M., Nourzadeh Haddad, M., Gholami, A., Panahpour, E., (2018), "Stabilizers efficiency in soil and their effects on some soil properties", Arid Land Research Management, 51: 62-85.
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17. Babakhani, S., (2012), "Application of pebble mulch in controlling wind erosion and stabilization of melting sand. Case study of Isfahan plain plains", 3th Third National Conference on Desertification and Sustainable Development of Iran's Desert Lagoon. Arak, Iran, pp 11-13. [In Persian].
18. Field, J. P., Belnap, J., Breshears, D., Neff, J. C., Okin, G. S., Whicker, J., Painter, T. H., Ravi, S., Reheis, M. C., Reynolds, R. L., (2009), "The ecology of dust", The Ecological society of America, 21: 423-430.
19. Geravandi, S., Zalaghi, E., Goudarzi, G., Mohamadi, M. J., Babaei, A. A., Yari, A R., Nourzadeh Haddad, M., (2015), "Exposure to PM10 and its effect on respiratory and cardiac diseses in urban air of Isfahan", Health system research journal, 11 (4): 1-5.
20. Heydari, M., Ahmadi, H., Ekhtesasi, M. R., Darini, J., (2010), "The effect of pebble mulch and its roughness on wind erosion in wind erosion meter device", Second national erosion conference, Yazd, Iran, pp 17-19 [In Persian].
21. Khoman, A., (2013), "Evaluation of damage caused by dust in the agricultural sector (Case Study: Khuzestan)", Proceedings of the Conference of dust, monitoring, effects and coping strategies, organization, Geological Survey of Iran, Tehran pp 9-12. [In Persian].
22. Movahedan, M., Abbasi, N., Keramati, M., (2014), "Study of The effect poly vinyl acetate on dry aggregate stability", Journal of Soil Science (Soil and Water), 27: 71-83.
23. Nourzadeh, M., Bahrami, H. A., Goossenss, D., Fryrear, D. W., (2012), "Determining soil erosion and threshold friction velocity at different soil moisture conditions using a portable wind tunnel", Annals of Geomorphology, 57: 97-109. [DOI:10.1127/0372-8854/2012/0089]
24. Nourzadeh Haddad, M., Bahrami, H. A., (2015), "Investigation of dust concentration with top moisture and particle size distribution of soil using portable wind erosion simulator, desert regions of Khuzestan province", Journal of geospatial exploration of desert areas, 3 (1): 167-183.
25. Nourzadeh Haddad, M., Gholami, A., Ashnagar, N., (2016), "Dust production prediction as result of wind erosion using IRIFR model, Abdolkhan of Shoush", Journal of Geographical space, 17 (56): 277-289.
26. Saeidi, N., Ghaderi, A., Dezhan, M., (2018), "Crisis management and feasibility in using oil mulch to stabilize sand and wind erosion control", Disaster Prevention and Management Knowledge (DPMK) Quarterly, 8 (1): 81-91.
27. Salarinia, M., Mahmoudabadi, M., (2013), "Investigating the effect of wind speed on surface gravel cover on wind erosion severity with wind erosion meter device", 12th National Conference on Irrigation and Evaporation Reduction, Kerman, Iran, pp 18-20. [In Persian].
28. Shahnavaz, M., Gholami, A., Nourzadeh Haddad, M., Panahpour, E., (2017A), "Study of performance polymer and plant mulch to reduce soil loss in areas prone to wind erosion in Khuzestan, Iran", Iranian journal of soil and water research, 48 (3): 651-658.
29. Shahnavaz, M., Nourzadeh Haddad, M., Gholami, A., Panahpour, E., (2017B), "Effect of mulching on soil nutrient loss reduction, case study of western lands Khuzestan province , Iran", Journal of experimental biology and agricultural sciences, 4 (1): 730-741.
30. Shahnavaz, M., Nourzadeh Haddad, M., Gholami, A., Panahpour, E., (2018), "Stabilizers efficiency in soil and their effects on some soil properties", Arid Land Research Management, 51: 62-85.
31. Yanli, X., You liu, L., (2003), "Effect of gravel mulch on Aeolian dust accumulation in the semiarid region of northwest", China. Soil and Tillage Research, 70 (21): 73-81.
32. Zezin, A. B., Mikheikin, S. V., Rogacheva, V. B., Zansokhova, M. F., Sybachin, A.V., Yaroslavov, A. A., (2015), "Polymeric stabilizers for protection of soil and ground against wind and water erosion", Journal of Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 4: 1-13. [DOI:10.1016/j.cis.2015.06.006]
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Study of mineralogy and sensitivity to moisture soil dust sources, Case Western lands Khuzestan province. جغرافیایی 2019; 18 (64) :61-74
URL: http://geographical-space.iau-ahar.ac.ir/article-1-2270-en.html

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