Preparation of the Autumn Brassica napus Yield Map by Using Perceptron Neural Network, Case Study: Sabzevar Township
Abstract: (16260 Views) |
Brassica napus as an oilseed is a strategic agriculture product in Iran. Knowing the best area for cultivation, helps plan and explore suitable cultivation areas efficiently. At this research, we study 24-Brassica napus farm samples to calculate the actual yields by using GPS set. The independent data are variables introduced such as mean temperature, growing degree-day, mean absolute minimum temperature, mean absolute maximum temperature , mean temperature in sowing time, mean potential evapotranspiration, slope , EC of groundwater, pH of groundwater, and mean relative humidity. We analyzed the consequences of environmental potential on autumn Brassica napus yield using Perceptron neural network by multi-layers structure with 3 hidden layers and feed backward algorithm entered to database and Brassica napus cultivation suitability map was prepared in geographic information system environment. Results show that T-test between actual and prediction values do not have significant difference in 0.05 level. We calculated Pearson correlation coefficient at 0.98, RMSE and MAE. Thus 243 and 101 Kg/h indicate the ability of neural network methods for agricultural product yield predictions. |
Keywords: Yield estimation, Brassica napus, Neural Network, GIS, Sabzevar Township |
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Type of Study: Research |
Special Received: 2013/05/25 | Accepted: 2013/07/17 | Published: 2014/12/4
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