Tourism as an economic product depends on supply and demand system. Tourism in supply framework as a tourism product encompasses five elements which shape the product at different areas. These elements are: 1- attractiveness 2- availability 3- facilities and infrastructures 4- hospitalities services 5- institutional and organizational elements. Among these, the basic priority dealing with tourism supply belongs to the existent tourism attractiveness in one area where in the framework of possibility measuring, these researches will be performed. Possibility measuring of tourism productivit as a perfect dependency supply needs tourism attractiveness and its ability in measuring its quantity. Based on discussed theories, this paper using Paveh provinence as a case study, tries to measure rural tourism possibilities at this province. In fact, possibility measuring of rural tourism in this area includes the kind of measuring by which rural tourism product supply for tourism demand in exter. جغرافیایی 2013; 13 (41) :1-20