Strategic Planning of Isfahan Metropolis in the Green City Approach with emphasis on air component
Abstract: (6801 Views) |
The Esfahan metropolitan area due to increased population, immigration, tourism potentials, air stagnation at half the days of the year, drought in recent years, locating in the north-south corridor, despite the heavy industry and mining town of privacy, is faced with the problem of air pollution recently. Hence, the present study, in addition to evaluate the air component of the Esfahan metropolitan area, based on the green city criteria, provide green strategies for the realization of the Esfahan metropolitan area's air component. This study is applied project in terms of goal and in terms of the nature and method is analytical. The study sample consisted of two levels, the elites of the urban environment and the citizens of Esfahan Metropolis. Data collection with library, athletics and questionnaires were used. In this study, a set of indicators of green air component with Delphi and combining two models of PSR, TOPSIS to check the status of the air component of the Esfahan metropolis, in the context of a green approach and develop strategies to achieve green city of the air component in a comprehensive framework, including the use of matrix IFE, EFE, SWOT, IE and QSPM, are taken. The results showed that the air component of the metropolitan green city under the approach is not desirable So that, during the years 1387 to 1391 and 1391 to 1388 respectively, ranking first and last were allocated. In this context, the internal and external factors leading metropolis of the air component imply and the superiority of weaknesses to strengths and as well as threats to opportunities. Therefore, to achieve green metropolis of the air component, it is essential to adopt defensive strategies and priorities as defensive strategies, priorities, strategies to maintain continuity and green belt development and conservation priorities in the East and North East, Balanced and proportionate development of integrated public transport infrastructure and also Supply of gas power plants and industries in the metropolitan boundaries of ESFAHAN. |
Keywords: Strategic Planning, The urban environment, green city, air component, ESFAHAN Metropolis |
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Type of Study: Applicable |
General Received: 2015/03/17 | Accepted: 2015/07/28 | Published: 2017/09/20
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