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Showing 1 results for Lateral Migration
En Mayam Bayati Khatibi, En Fariba Karami, Volume 19, Issue 66 (9-2019)
This investigation, have hydropolitic significant for Aras River that have frequent and more lateral migration.In this study is used many equation, for example, Ω ،Ự ω, وΈ …. Equation, for estimating of bank erosion and sediment dynamics .Output of estimating is analyzing and then maps is produced by using of GIS technique. The results of study suggested that rate of channel changing is vary in river course. Wide changes of river course is maximum at near of Jolfa and Poldasht ,in other parts is minimum .Wide changing of course is show that lateral migration is high and alluvium is thick and broad .Cut power of river is increased when radial of curves is more .This event is occurred where that wide changes is high .The results also show that is increased rate of sediment when cut power is increased. Sadly lateral migration rate Iran orientation is increased at 30 decade recent. This result show that gradually is decreased area land of Iran .