Farzaneh Yazdankhah, Hasan Ahmadzadeh, Bashir Baikbabaee, Ali Panahi,
Volume 23, Issue 82 (7-2023)
Assigning important roles to the civil society in dysfunctional contexts It is a phenomenon of good governance in the form of people-centered communities Which can be a capacity for participation, social capital and social trust and cohesion to happen with flexibility It is possible to achieve urban sustainability in these residential areas and its resilience in terms of urban hazards. The main purpose of this research is The Investigating effect of local communitis governance on the sustainability of urban Inefficient textures. For this purpose, four inefficient and dilapidated neighborhoods named Chokhorlar, Qazan Daghi, Mollah Hossein Baghi and Shams Abad in Tabriz Were selected as pilot studies. current study Based on the purpose of the application type and in terms of how data is collected It is of descriptive-correlation type. In this way, First, Extracted from previous sources and literature the indicators of the two schools of governance of local communities and urban sustainability. And after exchanging views with relevant experts Two questionnaires were designed in connection with the two concepts mentioned. And 125 questionnaires for each of the selected locations Was considered. Validity of this research is Content and Cronbach's alpha is used for reliability. and then the results were merged and the final research model was obtained. In the present study to achieve the objectives of the study, from two softwares Was used are SPSS 26(To provide descriptive information and test the normality of the data) and 3 Smart PLS (To model structural equations and measure the effect of variables on each other) The results of the research, it shows Local community governance variable On the stability of Inefficient textures It has a positive, strong and significant effect. Makes it clearer than ever applying such an idea in the planning and management of these textures is necessary.