Georgia's military action to seize control of the breakaway regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia in the summer of 2008 sparked a new crisis in the troubled Caucasus region. Russia's military offensive in support of the two regions and the unilateral recognition of the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia created tensions in Russia's relations with the West, especially the United States. Moscow seeks complete domination of the Caucasus region and the prevention of US and Western influence in the region. Therefore, the war in Georgia can be considered as an attempt by Russia to counter the influence and domination of the Washington region, which has led to a confrontation between the United States and Russia in Georgia. Thus, the main question of the research is what is the confrontation between the United States and Russia in Georgia? The main hypothesis of the article is that given the position of the Caucasus and Georgia in regaining the lost power of the Soviet :union:, the Moscow authorities considered the continuation of American hegemony and hegemony in Georgia as a strategic threat and in this regard; They are trying to consolidate their regional position and counter American domination of the Caucasus and Georgia. On the other hand, Georgia's bid for membership in the European :union: and NATO, and on the other hand, Russia's fear of a siege, has caused Russian threats and anger, which has weakened the Kremlin in adopting belligerent policies towards Tbilisi and on the other hand. And it has made it more determined to drive the United States and the West out of the Caucasus and Georgia. The research data was analyzed using a descriptive-analytical method.